Here you can paint in color by numbers Color books online, right from your web browser. Every picture is available in three modes: easy, difficult, and numberless. Besides, it’s impossible to color the Color books incorrectly. For example, you cannot color an element with color number 4 if it is marked with the number 2. And if you try, you will see a hint telling you which color you should choose. Children really like this and it helps them remember numbers. If you don’t like the designated colors, you can change them to your own.
“I thought this program would be too simple to entertain my daughter. Surprisingly, though, she said, “It’s fun!” She enjoyed mixing her own colors and playing around with different combinations. I love the fact that this isn’t some mind-numbing time waster but instead a way for her to explore color and art.”
“What I really liked was the fact that if a wrong colour was chosen the paint tube of the correct number/ colour would jump until you chose it. It was very easy to use and user friendly.”
“Color It By Numbers is great for any preschool age child who is learning either their numbers or colors. It is also great for older children who enjoy the creative aspect of choosing their own colors and using their imagination.”
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